Easy Fix Heating
The Easy fix team have over 15 years’ experience working together side by side and as they made such a great team they decided, with our extensive knowledge of the business, to create our own brand called Easy Fix Heating Ltd.
Since then we have been keeping people, all over London, warm and happy. We are on hand handle all your boiler and heating needs. If your boiler breaks down, becomes blocked or your pipe bursts, we can repair it and get it working as normal as quick as possible.
Or, if you are looking for boiler or water tank installations, we have you covered with that too. Boiler servicing is another popular service that we can provide. Easy Fix Heating Ltd. have a wide range of services available, whatever service It is you need we will tackle it head on and solve your heating problems.
With 10 years gas experience and a broad knowledge of pluming, there is no job too small or no job too big for Easy Fix Heating to take on and we will solve them with a smile.
You can trust us to deliver exceptional service and leave you content in a fully heated house. Our of our Easy Fix Heating engineers are gas safe with their GNVQ in plumbing and possess liability insurance. We have your best interests and safety in mind on every job we do.
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